A request to see if the second book in TROUBLE TWISTERS by Garth Nix and Sean Williams was on the way. Not yet, but keeping you posted. In the mean time here is a fun video of the authors reading the prologue! Trouble Twisters has also been requested for the library collection.
Other discussions included the highly recommending the fourth in the Amulet series and a love of the whole series. An agreement that a fantastic book choice for everyone to read is A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS or ORIGAMI YODA or TALES OF A FOURTH GRADE NOTHING. Because we are quite an age range we are also considering having a teen read for the older kids and a middle grade read for the youngers. Two of our teens are interested in facilitating a reading group for the younger set (6-8) as part of our Thursdays, as well. Kids are also interested in devoting one of our meetings per month to writing and illustrating workshopping and sharing. We have quite a few aspiring writers and illustrators!
Halloween Party on October 27 is a must, complete with spooky stories and creepy cupcake snakes. Plans are in the works.
We wrapped everything up with a trip out to the library to find a book or two to take to a deserted island. It was pointed out that there might not be time to read as concerns would be on how to get off the island. We decided that the rest of us could read while the two who (rightly!) pointed this out could work on getting us off. Seems fair? Choices included:
Eclipse by Stephanine Myer
The Bone Books by Jeff Smith
Deltora Quest by Emily Rodda
The Warriors by Erin Hunter
Next week we will be video taping some book reviews for you! To keep the privacy we will be recording voices, you will only see the back of heads, maybe feet, possibly reviewers in masks...we shall see what we come up with. Until next time...happy reading!
THURS. OCT 20-Video Book Reviews
THURS. OCT 27-Halloween Party-Let's Dress Up!
You covered a lot in that short time! Sounds like fun!!!
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great group!